Audi Q5

Striking in power and design

Audi Q5

The Audi Q5 already makes a good impression from the factory and produces a maximum of 286 HP (210 kW) in the most powerful series version. With the help of our ABT Engine Control (AEC) unit, however, we give the SUV another significant power boost: up to 330 HP (243 kW) and a torque increase to 670 Nm are possible, depending on the engine.

But that's not all: for maximum driving pleasure, our ABT Coilover Suspension Springs are used, which provide a lowering of 35 to 60 mm and thus also improve the look.

The new look is completed by our matching ABT Alloy Wheels, which are available in various designs (GR, HR), sizes (20 and 21 inches) and finishes. 

In addition, we have yet another visual highlight on offer for the Q5 in the form of our ABT Integrated Entrance Light.

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ABT warranty services for ABT engine tuning

ABT warranty services for ABT engine tuning

When it comes to engine tuning with ABT Power (orders will be placed from 2024), we are clearly ahead in terms of customer protection thanks to the best guarantee on the market. The following ABT guarantee conditions apply! Different warranty conditions may apply when engine tuning with ABT Power R.

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