High mileage

Another well organized and also diaphoretic event took place in Kempten: the ABT running day powered by Deutsche Post and Seitz.

The international importance of the event that first started in 1997 is perfectly shown once you take a look at the winners lists: the top positions at the men’s half-marathon were snapped up by five runners from Africa. Despite ideal weather conditions, winner Bethwel Chemweno missed his striven record from 2010 by one minute and forty seconds while finishing the 21,1 kilometer long course after 1:05,01.0.

The fastest European competitor was Kempten’s local hero Mirco Berner, who came in sixth. The female winner was Vera Gulyás from Hungary finishing right before the German duo Petra Paule and Eva-Maria Spielvogel..

Even though the numerical strongly represented team from ABT Sportsline didn’t win, all of them were really happy about the mastered challenge following the Olympic thought: taking part is everything.


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