News from the Allgäu

Sometimes you just have to give something back to the people – this is something several people in the Allgäu thought about recently. Daniel Abt said thank you to his long-time partners with autographed pictures and a very precious FC Bayern tricot was auctioned. The proceeds were donated to the Bunter Kreis Allgäu.

Thank you, friends!

Daniel Abt contributed two victories, two further podium positions and other important points to the team title of Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler in Formula E. A success the race driver from Kempten also owes his long-time partners H&R (Yannick C. Remmen, Christian Heine, Harry Unflath and Danny Remmen seen on the picture) and the Deutsche Post (Axel Wursthorn and Alex Safavi). Therefore, the fastest German in the racing series and his manager, ABT sports marketing manager Harry Unflath wanted to return the favor to their companions with a little present: some autographed champion pictures.




FC-Bayern treasure auctioned for charity

During the tombola in the course of the ABT golf tournament “Harry`s Cup” the IT-entrepreneurs Christian, Joachim and Konrad Skala (SKALTEL AG) got hold of a tricot from the season 1999/2000 autographed by FC Bayern stars like Oliver Kahn, Stefan Effenberg and Mehmet Scholl. Now the precious jersey provided by Franz “Bulle” Roth has further been auctioned. FC Bayern-fan and SCALTEL-employee Carlo Hailer was awarded. “You can’t let the tricot leave the house” is his explanation for his investment of 250 euros that was doubled by the Skala brothers. The proceeds were donated to the Bunter Kreis Allgäu. Gertie Müller-Hoorens gratefully received the cheque.


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