ABT Art-Car by Timo Wuerz

“I was inspired by the old masters like Rubens or Rembrandt for the ABT Art-Car” – artist Timo Wuerz

ABT Art-Car by Timo Wuerz
“I was inspired by the old masters like Rubens or Rembrandt for the ABT Art-Car” – artist Timo Wuerz
Editing | Christoph Brix Photos | Viktor Stark

Art stems from ability: Timo Wuerz drew his first picture at the age of one and a half years, had his first vernissage at the age of 14 and released his first comic-album at the age of 20. The artsy rebel has not put the pencil away ever since. The today 45 year old has designed numerous record covers and comic-envelopes. But now the artist born in Swabia, who later moved to Hamburg, has created the ABT Art-Car in cooperation with the foliation-specialist SIGNal Design GmbH from Schwäbisch Hall. The prototype from Kempten is covered in a foil showing 20 women in sacral robes. On top of that, there is a second foil with red hashes. On to the rear the design merges into grey dots. That’s definitely not a subtle design. The artist with the red mohawk likes it striking and imposing. A perfect fit vor the 630 HP strong ABT R8.