ATC Show in China

From the 10th to 12th of August 2012 the „ATC Show China“ attracted more than 10.000 tuning fans to visit the expo halls of the National Agriculture Exhibition Center in Beijing.

From the 10th to 12th of August 2012 the „ATC Show China“ attracted more than 10.000 tuning fans to visit the expo halls of the National Agriculture Exhibition Center in Beijing. Hosted in cooperation between the Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai Co. Ltd and the Yasn International Exhibiton Co. about 300 exhibitors took the chance to show off their latest products to the visitors on a show floor of 20.000 square meters. As a matter of course ABT Sportsline was among the exhibitors presenting two show cars to the audience as a premiere for the chinese market – a QS3 and a R8 V10 Coupé.


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