The new ABT Sportsline Website provides better configurators, utmost user-friendliness on mobile gadgets and more interactivity. “The Internet evolves all the time, the technical features see constant improvement and users demand ever higher standards.

The new ABT Sportsline Website provides better configurators, utmost user-friendliness on mobile gadgets and more interactivity. “The Internet evolves all the time, the technical features see constant improvement and users demand ever higher standards. So the specs I had written for our Web experts included that our portal had to become even more intuitive and informative,“ is what Matthias Grath, marketing director of ABT Sportsline, says. The address has remained the same, of course: is still the digital home of the globally largest tuner of cars produced by the Volkswagen Group. The ever growing number of users shows that the traditional company’s portal has long since become an important information and entertainment medium for potential customers and fans. In order to continue this online success, the Webpages have been completely revised. “We need a fresh breeze”, says Hans-Jürgen Abt, ABT Sportsline’s managing director.

And these pages are indeed quite excellent: The ABT online world of brands is very clearly structured and stylish. If you want you can read up on the 116 years of this unusual company’s history and take in the spirit of a five-time DTM champion. But it also takes no more than one click to find all the information you need on cars and products, body kits, for example, sporty alloy wheels or chassis components. “This is high-quality product presentation, and these days this also has to include full smart phone and tablet compatibility”, says marketing director Matthias Grath. He points out that ABT was the first tuning company to provide a complex online configurator. This important tool has now been upgraded, both visually and technically. Users can now try out all products on all cars, their own in particular.

As an internationally operating company, ABT Sportsline also wants to meet all its international customers’ needs, and that includes their languages. The new Webpages will soon also be displayed in Russian, Chinese, Dutch and Turkish, for example. They will also be geared to Switzerland’s multi-lingual situation. ABT’s brave new world of infotainment is thus modern, clearly structured and extravagant. But surely that’s only what you would expect from a global market leader, isn’t it?!


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