When the Top Marques is held in the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco from April 18th to 21st 2013, the world is meeting at a very posh place to indulge in “automotive culture”. ABT Sportsline will again take part and present unusual premium cars:

When the Top Marques is held in the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco from April 18th to 21st 2013, the world is meeting at a very posh place to indulge in “automotive culture”. ABT Sportsline will again take part and present unusual premium cars: With the ABT RS5-R and the ABT R8 GTR the Larvotto district will be graced by two “dream cars”. Both ABT Cars are really roadworthy racers. After all, the tuning company from Bavaria has reduced and optimised the cars’ weight in a consistent, carbon-based fashion, they now weigh much less when compared with their serial versions. At the same time, ABT has used top-quality materials, down to the finish. So the at least 300 kph fast super sports cars at the Top Marques 2013 will be very assertive indeed. They will show how powerful and victorious they are even when they haven’t moved an inch yet, also by featuring the new forged wheels ABT ER-F.

ABT Sportsline at the “Top Marques 2013“

When:              18 - 21 April 2013 
Place:               Grimaldi Forum, Larvotto (Monaco)
Booth:              D4



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